I have started to propagate Peppermint, Moroccan Mint and Oregano. I found this method described on the net suggesting to take cuttings and place them in a glass of water and wait for the roots to form before planting them outdoors in a shady locaction.
As you can see the Peppermint has developed roots. I will wait replanting until the roots are long.
The herbal garden is growing well and is ready to be propagated. I will focus on getting many plants this season and will harvest next year instead.
My wife Kristine planted Lemon tree seeds a few weeks ago and they are growing nicely :) We will keep them in our greenhouse once large enough.
The Green Tea plants are also growing well. Not that fast but steady. All 6 seeds which I've bought on ebay have germinated :) meaning they sold me very fresh seeds :) fair play to them. These too will be kept in a green house.
Tomatoes have started to bloom :) I'm trying not to forget to shake the plant gently every day to help pollinate the flowers. They are wind pollinated but its never windy in the greenhouse so its up to us to shake them a bit.
Peppers are already forming fruits :)
Sunflowers and Pop Corn are growing nicely
Our Honey Bees are in the middle of swarming season. To avoid losing swarms I decided to split the extra Queen Cells into new hives. If everything goes well and the Virgin Queens mate successfully we will have 6 hives going into winter this year. This is not bad since I've only bought 2 colonies this year :) The colony in this picture is the strongest of all and the bees are hanging in front of the entrance to cool the hive. They do this on hot days.

Our Hens are doing great foraging outdoors from dawn till dusk. There is lots of good stuff to be found in this landscape. We did have an unpleasant episode yesterday; neighbours Husky dog ran into our yard and started chasing the Hens! The dog snached our darling chick Betty which is very tame! The dog didn't bite her since she wasn't bleeding but did hurt her leg/hip. She cant walk on one leg and I isolated her from the other hens because chicks can be very aggressive towards the hurt member of the flock. She is eating well and drinking water which is a good sign. I'm having a feeling that she will recover soon. All she needs is peace and quiet. I do visit her every so often and pet her a bit. Hens are social animals and gentle interaction can be of benefit to her.
The garden is starting to be green :) These are the Squash and Pumpkin plants. Still no flowers though.
Its getting there. Two more weeks and everything should be green :) can't wait
Norli Peas are a very early sort
Potatoes are rock'n'rolling. I will soon place a thick layer of mulch around them to keep the root area shaded, otherwise the Potatoes can turn green which is toxic to us.
Swedish Turnip to the right is growing well but the normal Turnip is growing slowly. I'm watering the whole garden twice a week.