Friday, October 10, 2014

The newly sown White Clover is growing well

 We have sown white clover and grasses on 1 hectare for our sheep and bees. They are growing very well. This is the south side of our small forest.
and this is the west side of our forest. To the right you can see a long row of well established Willow
Some of the clover has started to bloom already :)
We will get the sheep in January or February. I must start building a sheep shed soon and fixing the electricity fence.


  1. Hvis I næste gang sår rødkløver kommer jeg meget gerne og høster lidt blomster! :-)

    1. We have a small patch of red clover in the forest area. You are welcome to harvest it next year :)

  2. fedt, det vil jeg meget gerne! :-)
