Chop Wood Carry Water Plant Seeds is a blog about Self-Sufficient Homesteading. How can we live by creating a sustainable bio-diverse world, instead of by consuming and destroying the only one we have? What kind of teaching have you got if you exclude nature?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Good bye and thanks for all the eggs

My wife and I are about to buy a farm in Denmark and move out of Sweden. For that reason we had to give away our hens. I gave them to a friend of mine.
Good bye hens and thank you for all the lovely eggs :) we sure enjoyed them very much. 
Once we move to our farm we will try to breed the Danish Landrace Hens which give less eggs but they also need less extra feeding which suits our self-sufficient life style.
The gardening season is over. Only Kale is left to be harvested. Since we are moving soon I started dismantling the chicken wire and snail barrier which I intend to bring with us. 
I have learned a lot this year about organic gardening and will wisely use that knowledge in the future.
Green and Purple Kale are frost tolerant and can stay longer
in the garden.
Life in nature sure is filled with beauty :) I have never seen a rainbow so close before. It formed over my neighbour's pond :) 

Thank you all for following our journey this year! As soon we buy our farm I will make sure to blog about it so stay tuned :)


  1. Your hens look realy nice now a days. You have taken good care of them.
    I wish you good luck with your own farm and hope that I some day could visit you to see it. :-)

  2. That is a spectacular rainbow! Best of luck with your new farm and your move.

    1. Thank you for fine wishes :) we need all luck there is to get our new home :)
