Chop Wood Carry Water Plant Seeds is a blog about Self-Sufficient Homesteading. How can we live by creating a sustainable bio-diverse world, instead of by consuming and destroying the only one we have? What kind of teaching have you got if you exclude nature?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

We got our field back

We have bought this farm last year in December and the previous owner rented out the field to a large scale conventional local farmer. He had wheat on it this year and thanks to the short winter and hot summer he was able to harvest it early. Today he collected all the straw which Im allowed to keep for free. About 500 bales.
I will use the straw bales to cover all the land Im not to use next year to suppress weeds. 
I will order a truckload of wood chips and start preparing a kitchen garden area which will be permanent and based on no-dig gardening using wood chips and other cover materials like hay and grass clippings. I will start small and expand some more with each year. I will plant Garlic and Asparagus this Autumn. Exciting times!


  1. Tillykke med generobringen af jeres land! :-)
    Vi glæder os til at følge den nye tid!
